Spirit Of The Flame ; New albums for 2010
Can you believe that in a few days the SEA Games will begin? It has been a long wait and the time is finally near! Guess who is going to open up the ceremony? Sam Intharaphithak will be singing the official SEA Games song, The Spirit of the Flame. Here is a performance music video of this song.
What a great way of welcoming the year 2010 by releasing new songs. Here is a list of new songs and CD's being released soon.
1. Idolz to release new single in December
2. Tar of A'pacts to release single titled Ka von Ka vai
3. Cells to release third album in January 2010
4. L.O.G to also release their second album in January 2010
I see a bright year for Lao music! Cheers! Support all Lao artists.

What a great way of welcoming the year 2010 by releasing new songs. Here is a list of new songs and CD's being released soon.
1. Idolz to release new single in December
2. Tar of A'pacts to release single titled Ka von Ka vai
3. Cells to release third album in January 2010
4. L.O.G to also release their second album in January 2010
I see a bright year for Lao music! Cheers! Support all Lao artists.
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