Thursday, June 16, 2011

Genii to Release New Single

Girl group Genii will be releasing a new single in coming days. According to their official fanclub page, their new single will be different from their previous songs. This time the girls will be singing to an upbeat dance track and will be showing off some choreography. 

The song is called 'Yark Fung Kham Wa Huk' and will be their 4th single. On an interview on a variety show called 'Zoop Zip Zap', Genii and Idolz mention that their new album will be coming out soon this month and will have at least 6 songs total. 

Hello everyone of Genii's fanclub. Today we have news to update to you. Lately our 3 girls have always been "sad" and "lonely" (referencing to their songs). But now we get to see them act cutesy and joyous even more with the new single that is called "Yark Fung Kham Wa Huk" which will be a cute dance style. This time we will get to see the three girls dance! ^^ Coming soon :)

Zoop Zip Zap Interview
Idolz and Genii


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